
Sample Inputs

Below is a sample OTU table and a sample mapping file to use as formatting examples. These files were created using data from the Human Microbiome Project.

Sample Analysis

The Human Microbiome Project

Structure, function and diversity of the healthy human microbiome. Human Microbiome Project Consortium, Nature, 486 (2012), pp. 207–214

16S sequence reads from the Human Microbiome Project were downloaded, and OTUs were picked using QIIME. The OTU table was filtered to keep samples with >500 OTUs from the stool, subgingival plaque, and supragingival plaque. The filtered OTU table and mapping file were then loaded into BugBase and analyzed using the column header HMPBODYSUBSITE.

Below is the BugBase analysis of this dataset.

KEGG Module IDs

Below is a tab-delimited text file of the BugBase labels (first column) for the level three KEGG modules (Full KEGG labels are the second column). To predict the relative abundance of OTUs with specific modules of interest, you can specify the modules you'd like to predict using using a comma-seperated list of the BugBase labels.

Download BugBase

Most users will not need to install BugBase, and can instead use the web application.

To download BugBase, please go to our git hub, and follow the documentation for download and installation.